What is a Behavioral Consultation Model Consultant?
The Behavioral Consultant is part of the Behavioral Consultation Model Program. I am a Registered Associate Clinical Social Worker providing behavioral and clinical mental health services specific to the needs of the school. Services primarily include: student de-escalation and crisis intervention, parent trainings, staff collaboration, teacher consultation, student observations and needs assessments and direct counseling services to students. My primary purpose of the consult position is to assist in providing Tier 2 and 3 level emotional support services to students on campus.
How does Behavioral Consultation Model program differ from the Student Assistance Program?
Hopefully you have been made aware of the services provided by the Student Assistant Specialist (SAS) which include: individual or group support services to students, classroom presentations, and referrals to community resources. The Behavioral Health Consultant can additionally provide clinical level consultation to staff, provide parent training and individual and group mental health services.
Direct services provided by the BCM focus on behavioral or mental health concerns of students whose level of need exceeds short term services or who may need clinical level interventions. Collaborative efforts with parents and staff are used to reinforce existing supports. If you are interested in a consultation regarding a certain student, please let me know.
Referrals for both programs will be screened by site administrators or school counselors to determine the most appropriate services for the student.
Contacting Your BCM
I will be on site Mondays - Wednesday (location is TBA). If I am not on campus, you can reach me at: (209) 526-1476 ext. 375 or via e-mail at: Gonzalez.Ke@mcs4kids.com or kgonzalez@centerforhumanservices.org.